
Webhooks are server callbacks to your server from AOP. Webhooks are event-based and are sent when specific events related to the transaction happen.

Configure Webhook
  1. Add your webhook through the merchant dashboard for the first time. Write to techsupport@AOP.center to edit your Webhook endpoint.
  2. Ensure you do not process duplicate events.
  3. Below is the list of events for which we will be notifying on your webhook and a list of parameters being sent.

We support webhooks in both encoded and JSON formats.

Amount Collected

Following is the list of currently available webhook events for QR Codes.
Webhook Events Description
qr_code.credited Triggered when a payment is made using a QR code.

The UPIQR_SUCCESS webhook notifies that money has been received in your AOP Virtual account through Auto Collect.

Webhook parameters and descriptions are available below:
Parameter Description
entity The event which is fired.
account_id The account Id which is provided.
event It contains the name of the event which just occurred. Value = qr_code.credited.
Id The Id provided by AOP.
amount(Paisa) Specifies the amount collected.
currency The currency in which the payment done.
status captured
Order Id The Order Id of the customer who made the payment.
invoice_id The Invoice Id of the order.
international This is the boolean value.
method UPI
amount_refunded The value if refund amount, if any.
refund_status Status of refund
captured Boolean value
description Description of payment
card_id Card ID if any, otherwise null
bank Bank Name if any, otherwise null
wallet wallet name, otherwise null
vpa User's VPA id
email Customer email address.
contact Customer phone number.
customer_id Customer id which is provided
Branch Branch name of the bank
fee Fee if any.
tax tax if any.
error_code Error code, if any.
error_description error_description, if any.
error_source Source of the error.
error_step error_step, if any.
error_reason error_reason, if any.
acquirer_data aquire data

Transfer Rejected

The TRANSFER_REJECTED webhook notifies that the transfer request was received, but has been rejected due to some reason (mentioned in the field reason).

Parameter Description
event It contains the name of the event which just occurred. Value = TRANSFER_REJECTED.
amount (Paisa) Specifies the amount collected.
Order Id The Order Id of the customer who made the payment.
rejectId The transfer rejected transaction ID.
utr Unique transaction reference number provided by the bank.
remitterAccount Payer's bank account number.
transferTime Time at which the transfer was made.
reason Specifies the reason for rejecting the transfer.

Webhook Response


  "entity": "event",
  "account_id": "acc_CJoeHMNpi0nC7k",
  "event": "qr_code.credited",
  "contains": [
  "payload": {    
    "payment": {
      "entity": {
        "id": "pay_HO2fEpc9JeOQU5",
        "entity": "payment",
        "amount": 10,
        "currency": "INR",
        "status": "captured",
        "order_id": null,
        "invoice_id": null,
        "international": false,
        "method": "upi",
        "amount_refunded": 0,
        "refund_status": null,
        "captured": true,
        "description": "QRv2 Payment",
        "card_id": null,
        "bank": null,
        "wallet": null,
        "vpa": "gauri.kumar@okhdfcbank",
        "email": "gauri.kumari@example.com",
        "contact": "+919000090000",
        "customer_id": "cust_HKsR5se84c5LTO",
        "notes": {
          "Branch": "Bangalore - Rajaji Nagar"
        "fee": 0,
        "tax": 0,
        "error_code": null,
        "error_description": null,
        "error_source": null,
        "error_step": null,
        "error_reason": null,
        "acquirer_data": {
          "rrn": "116812981837"
        "created_at": 1623914419
  "created_at": 1623914419,
 "txnRefranceID": "BOXXXV3342XXX"


Callback Response

  "status": "200",
  "message": "Transaction completed successfully"

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